Service | Surveying

Ecological impact assessments

We use AI to reduce surveying workload, providing biodiversity, soil health and land use analysis that is timely and accurate.

Using Earth Observation technology to safeguard natural habitats

Our advanced combination of Earth Observation and AI technology enables us to identify, monitor and respond to changes in natural habitats, ensuring their long-term stewardship.


Perform baseline biodiversity and soil health assessment using highest-resolution satellite imagery and AI based species modelling.


Routinely review ecological progress with continually updated imagery and analytics.


Mitigate ecological risk using AI based forecasting, or react to changes as they occur in real time.

Use cases

Assessing ecological impact for:


Landowners and farmers can utilise our Earth Observation services to monitor progress in line with ecological schemes, improving practices that diversify income streams.

Nature reserves

Our high-resolution capabilities inform population mapping, enabling nature reserves to monitor and protect endangered species more effectively.


Our baseline biodiversity assessment service enables planning and monitoring of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG).


Our scalable soil health surveying enables NGO’s to assess food security and mitigate risks on an international scale.


Using Satellite Imagery Enhances Conservation efforts

Our advanced methodology combines multiple contextual sources to drive conservation initiatives. As our analytics are scalable and predictive, we can visualise change, identify threats, and inform modern efforts to ensure nature preservation.

Monitoring Ecosystem change

We employ time series analysis to track metrics such as habitat loss and soil erosion, enabling us to quantify the impact of conservation initiatives.

Identifying Ecosystem threats

We use highest-resolution imagery to identify biodiversity hotspots and leverage AI to forecast and mitigate future risks.

Implementing bespoke conservation strategies

Our data-driven approach allows us to develop objective custom biodiversity planning, optimising resource allocation and maximising conservation effectiveness.

Trusted by

Contact Agtelligence today to start leveraging earth observation for your environmental needs.